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(843) 573-0700
Gatch Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Gatch Employee: We are a medium to large size electrical contractor. We're able to handle jobs from the size of a four-man crew up to large industrial projects. 

Jason Meyer: There's always going to be construction whether it's new buildings, renovations, remodels. You know the construction industry in Charleston obviously is booming left and right. You see buildings going up all over the place and you know Gatch is excited to kind of play a part in that, proud to have our name on a lot of really cool projects in the tri-county area. 

Allen Boyd: We handle all sorts of projects. We do some design build projects and I recently done a church downtown Charleston where we redid the lighting in the cathedral. 

Jason Lamb: Some cool neat projects I've worked on is one of the storms damaged the Transformer on the Arthur Ravenel Bridge. We had to take that transformer down for it to send it back to the factory to get repaired. It was just neat, the sun was coming up had a beautiful background to Charleston.

Bryan Eddings: The majority of the industries that we serve here at Gatch Electrical are waste-water treatment facilities and water treatment facilities, large hospital systems such as University of South Carolina.

Jimmy Gatch: Various military projects.

Allen Boyd: A lot of projects start from the dirt, which means there's no infrastructure at all. So we'll come in, we'll put electrical infrastructure underground in the slab, and then once the building comes up with walls and ceilings you know we'll typically, uh install the wire through conduits, there'll be people feeding the wire off the reels working the equipment and then someone guiding the wire into the conduit itself. 

Jason Meyer: We've got a core group of guys that have been here with Jimmy since really since the doors opened and you know they don't mind leaning on on one another to get the job done and deliver the product to the customer and which is the ultimate goal.

Chris Sormrude: We just work together, everybody does. I've got just on this job in particular, one…two…three…four…five…six foreman from different job sites out here helping me accomplish and get this job finished and meet deadlines because that's what we do. 

Jonathan Blanton: We're not in there just to get it in and you know whatever you get is what you got. We like to work with the customer and make sure the customer is pleased with the product that they're getting in the end and we want to do that in a safe way we want everybody to go home at the end of the day the way they showed up maybe just a little bit dirtier. 

Jason Lamb: We want a safe culture here where everybody's looking after each other. We want everybody to go home safely to their families every day. 

Jimmy Gatch: Obviously without safety you have nothing. We've been very fortunate and our guys are certainly bought into that.

Jason Meyer: We take a lot of pride in that there's a there's a lot of things that factor into that you know we recognize a lot of savings as a result of that and which benefits everyone. Here, each project that we do, customers can expect a high quality product and guys working safely doing so and that's just the approach we take to everything.

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